
Ullakarvi is a waterfalls on the Western Ghats hills near Nagercoil in Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu state.

In Tamil, 'ullakarvi' literally means 'universal falls'.

In Tamil 'Ullakarvi' literally means 'Ullakai + Aruvi'. Ullakai is a tool which used for removing the skin from the raw rice. [A thick wooden rod with height of 3 to 4 feet, with a diameter of 3 inches. one end will be covered with a semi sphere made metal mostly iron. The metal end will be hitting the raw rice grain in Ural [a container made of stone] The name of the Falls is Ullakai because the water will fall on our head like Ullakai. Also in the top region of the Rock there is a place where the water falls on a wooden rod which is inside a circular rock( Just like a Ullakai ). The water come down after falling there. From that only the name Ullakaarvi came.

Ullakarvi falls is about 35 km from Kanyakumari town and about 17 km from Nagercoil town, near Azhakiyapandiapuram village. The falls is up in the middle of forested hills (the hills of the Western Ghats), which is accessible only by foot from the base of the hills. The hour's trek from the base of the hills is through rocky, forested area, which is thrilling in itself. (On a clear day, one can view the waterfalls from the base of the hills through naked eye, or even better through binoculars / zoom lens).

There are two falls - the lower falls, which is a good picnic spot, and the higher falls, which is further uphill.

The water is basically spring water, coming in as a stream up from the hills nearby.