Arignar Anna Zoological Park

Nearest airport is Chennai (18 kms); nearest Railway station is Vandalur (1 km.) and has a city bus terminal.

This Zoological Park could be visited throughout the year.

Authority: The Director, Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur, Chennai.

This man-made Zoological Park situated on the outskirts of Chennai Metropolitan was created out of the Reserved Forests of Vandalur. The forests are of dry deciduous and dry evergreen scrub type. It was in the year 1855 the first Zoo in India was established in Chennai; later in 1979 shifted to this 510 Ha. Sprawling complex. This Zoological park is said to be one of the biggest in South East Asia. The wild life population are exhibited in a large open moated island type enclosures with simulated natural environment. More than 170 species of Mammals, Aviaries and reptiles are exhibited. Lion safari vehicle, Elephant Ride, Battery operated vehicles are some of the facilities available inside this park.